Explore unparalleled concepts to deepen your self-awareness and elevate your journey.
Path #1: Protect Yourself
Arm yourself with this knowledge of self to prepare for battle against the difficult person in your life.
Know Your Nature
Learn about the 13 different svabhāvas, or natures. Understand your nature - your strengths which you can use to assert yourself, and your weaknesses, which you can protect from those difficult people who like to hit below the belt.
$29 one-time
7-Day Self-Love Challenge
Self-love is a fundamental prerequisite for truly protecting one's heart. Learn practical ways to love oneself, and avoid being vulnerable to the love-bombing of the narcissistic types.
$29 one-time
From Dog to God: The Doggy Daily Routine
Learn how to transform your day with a healthy daily routine, resulting in a calm body and mind - poised and ready to take on any difficult person who dares to block your path.
$29 one-time
Path #2 Predict with Precision
Learn the mechanics of their mind so you can predict their next move, and beat them at their own game.
We would never drive a car without learning how to operate it first. Yet, we were given this mind at birth without any guidance on how to use it. Learn the four parts of the mind and how to manage them to avoid accidents with a**holes, so you can navigate through life with grace.
The Dramas of Manas
Manas is our emotional mind that runs on a binary system of like and dislike. Learn about the characteristics of the moody manas.
$99 one-time
Oh Ahankara! The Secret Life of the Ego
Learn about the nature of ahankara, our ego, which makes a person selfish, jealous, and proud.
$99 one-time
Be Forewarned of the Samskara Storm
Samskaras are like mini-programs that drive our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and can wreak havoc in our lives without us even knowing.
$99 one-time
The Beauty of Buddhi
The Buddhi is our intellect and our awareness. Learn how the Buddhi gives us the intelligence to make good decisions and to know right from wrong.
$99 one-time
The Circus of the Mind
Learn how the four parts of the mind dynamically interact to drive our behavior.