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 Svabhāva - स्वभाव

What is Your Vedic Personality Type?  

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Your nature is your God-given superpower.

In Sanskrit, svabhāva means your nature, disposition, or your inborn tendencies. Knowing your svabhāva helps you to understand yourself so you can align with your strengths. Acting from this place of natural ease, one experiences true pleasure. For what is more pleasurable than sharing your gifts with the world?


The Uplifters nature is to naturally uplift people driven by the purity of heart. They derive pleasure by giving - be it knowledge, attention to studies, healing, compassion, or peaceful demeanor. They tend to be introverts.

Guru - गुरु

The Educator

Gurus are represented by the peacock because like a peacock, Guru types are very wise, adaptable, and sacred. 

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Jigyasu - जिज्ञासु

The Lifelong Learner

Jigyasyus are represented by the crow because, like a crow, they are very curious, clever, and have an amazing memory. 

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Vaidya - वैद्य

The Healer

Vaidyas are represented by the deer because, like a deer, Vaidya's are very sensitive, empathetic, and non-confrontational.

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Vadanya - वदान्य

The Provider 

Vadanyas are represented by the mother cow because, like her, Vadanyas are very compassionate, nurturing, and abundant.

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Vairāgī - वैरागी

The Renouncer

Vairagi's are symbolized by the eagle, reflecting a solitary, peaceful life detached from material possessions, societal roles, and relationships. 

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Pavaka - पावक

The Purifier

Pavakai's are symbolized by the swan, reflecting purity, peace and beauty to people, environments and situations. Pāvaka also means fire - which purifies everything.

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Movers & Shakers are driven by passion. These influential and dynamic individuals tend to make a significant impact in whatever they do. Movers and Shakers are usually in high-power positions and strive for power and wealth. They possess the drive, ambition, and determination to effectuate meaningful change and achieve their goals. They tend to be extroverts.

Udyami - उद्यमी

The Go-Getter 

Udyamis are represented by the tiger because, like a tiger, Udyamis are very powerful, ambitious, and enjoy engaging in entrepreneurial activities.

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Neta - नेता

The Leader/ Manager

Netas are represented by the lion because, like a lion, Netas are very strong, and brave, and know how to motivate and manage others. 

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Chatur - चतुर

The Outsmarter 

Chaturs are represented by the jackal because, like a jackal, Chatur's are cunning, adaptable, and smart.

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Sahasik - साहसिक

The Adventurer

Sahasiks are represented by the cat because, like a cat, Sahasiks are venturesome, curious, and daring.

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Sahayaka - सहायक

The Assistant

Sahayakas are represented by the bee because, like a bee, Sahayakas are very industrious, detail-oriented and precise. They are good at organizing things, maintaining schedules and correspondence for both the executives and customers alike.

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Karta - कर्ता

The Creator

Kartas are represented by the tailorbird because, like a tailorbird, they are very creative, quick, and intelligent. 

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Vidushaka - विदूषक

The Entertainer

Vidushakas are represented by the parrot because, like a parrot, Vidushakas are very smart, humorous, and entertaining.  

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Rajan - राजन्

The Protector

Rajans are represented by the elephant because like an elephant, Rajans are amazing protectors because they are very resilient, social, and emotionally intelligent. 

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Yojaka - योजक

The Connector

Yojakas are represented by the dolphin because, like a dolphin, Yojakas are very friendly, energetic, social, playful, and harmonious.

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The Supporters derive happiness from performing service to others. They add value by performing laborious tasks to contribute to the livelihood of humans. They tend to be introverts.

Poshaka - पोषक

The Sustainer

Poshaka's are represented by the oxen, because like an oxen, Poshaka's are able to sustain strength, stability and steadfastness in their unwavering dedication to serving.

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Bhārabhṛt -भारभृत्

The Burden-Bearer

Bhārabhṛta's are represented by the camel because like an camel, Bhārabhṛta's are very simple, strong, and resilient as they bear the burdens of life, be it their own physical or mental burdens, other peoples or the society at large. 

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Sevaka - सेवक

The Pleaser

Sevaka's are represented by the horse, because like a horse, Sevaka's love to please through service, and do so beautifully through their obedience, dedication, and humility to their master.

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The Relationship Between Your Personality Type and Your Mind Type

Everyone is born with a core Vedic Personality Type, which we call as your nature, or svabhāva. These inborn talents can be affected depending on your state of mind which fluctuates between three states: peaceful (sattva), passionate (rajas), and passive (tamas). 

Discover Your Mind Type

Unpack Your Svabhāva with Dr. Joshi

Explore your inborn nature, that is depicted by your Vedic Personality Type. Learn how to leverage your strengths and manage your weaknesses so you can maximize your potential.

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Know Your Nature

Discover the transformative wisdom of Vedic Personality Types as Babaji unveils and explores 13 distinct archetypes—unlock the secrets to understanding yourself and others like never before!

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